
Bugger it! Shameless Anglophilia from one of the colonies.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Could be worse...he is a film star and he has his own condom..."

If I have a fairy godmother out there than I would get to see Noel Gallagher and Gem Archer in Toronto next week.

But I don't. Things are still good though. I can't complain.

My father and I are hiding from trick or treaters and watching British comedy.

Extras season 2 episode 2 has an amazing scene with Harry Potter and a prophylactic.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

i get your point /you're so sharp

extry extry Eugene Mirman loves me.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

well i'm drunk today and i am rarely sober. a handsome rover from town to town...

I saw the Departed last night. Lots of violence but still really good. There is a nice underlying theme about the hyper masculinity of these characters and what that is a front for. I think Scorsese deals with this frequently. Mean Streets his first film is basically a film noir with Robert DeNiro as the femme fatale. The casting was really great. Not just in the big names. I've heard a lot of criticisms about the nastiness of Jack Nicholson's character but I didn't find it over the top. He was very good. And I was especially happy to see David O'Hara show up in it. Very very happy about that.

The Healing Power are playing tonight at reflections, I think. I saw a poster that told me so.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

super hands

Friday, October 13, 2006

maybe i will never be all the things that i want to be, now is not a time to cry, nows a time to find out why

I need three things when i leave the house.
1 wallet
2 ipod
3 cell phone

keys are not part of this package. unfortunately.

i've been standing at the station in need of education in the rain

This was in the first magazine I ever bought because it had Oasis on the cover. I think it must have been March of 1996. It was rainy. It's weird how I can remember it. I remember cutting the shit out of the magazine and putting the pictures in my locker. And trying to draw their faces. I remember reading out the hilarious lines and I also remember there was an article on trainspotting in the magazine and some other dirty bits.

Also I got confused about which one was Noel and which one was Liam. It was an amateur mistake and I also could not decided which one I liked best. These are my memories from junior high. I didn't really care about much else.

Except for you know drinking and going to Cafe Ole to impress punks. It was quite the double life for a while.

This is a time line that maps span of the member of oasis in oasis. I got it off wikipedia.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

blood thirsty bastards

"My mother thinks i am good at swiming because I have not yet drowned."

Cruise ships at the hill are great. Yesterday I got asked:
- Y'all have snow down here?
(Yes there is actually a picture of people sledding just behind you)
- Are you a Native?
(I was born here)
- What do y'all eat for Thanksgiving?

Last night I dreamed I got a tattoo of a pin up girl on my forearm. And than I started a fight at some bar down town. And this riot broke out and than i ran out into the street with my friends and rioters and Nick Wilton pulled up in a tram. He drove a tram and we all jumped in and drove off to safety.

Now I must depart for school.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

who put the m in manchester

My new poster!

the kooks are out

I got dehydrated. and like andrew says in the breakfast club: I've seen her dehydrate it's pretty gross. It was true, pretty gross.
I told myself I would have to get it together and start consuming water so that I would never fall into its clutches again. but i don' think i've had any water today. just a couple of large teas. Caffeine and sugar keep me together.
I had a friend once who said, I've had 3 coffees today and I can't stop going to the bathroom.
I responded, well it is a diuretic.
To what he immediately said, I'm not doing that.
I just nodded and look listlessly out the window at the fallen leaves, just like an ingmar bergman film.
Later when he related a story to me that made fun of some one for saying emancipated instead of emaciated I said nothing. That is the kind of hero I am. blog girl. sitting back doing nothing and than writing about it years later on my blog is my super power.
AHAHAHAAHA is my catch phrase.

I've been listening to the podcasts for Russell Brand. and i recommend them. they are sort of disjointed because they are just clips from his show which is every sunday on bbc6 (use the wwwcomputer), but you can listen to it any time through out the week.
Considering the man was such a druggie he doesn't seem addled by it all. That's just saying he's not ozzy, it's hardly a compliment. I do enjoy that he goes off on crazy rants.
"You'll be rich, richer than John Steinbeck. The richest author in the dustbowl!" He shouted. How does some one come up with something like that?
Also he related a story about taking a holiday from work after they told him he couldn't and than when he came back they asked him where he was for 2 weeks and he said that he had to take the time of because he had AIDs. Which ishorrible but he does say this was when he was under the 'drugbrella'. And his employers knew he was lying but it was such a horrible lie, as in a terrible thing to say so much so that they didn't press him on it. He was teaching english as a second language but mostly getting high and hitting on students.
Anyway I doubt those stories would impress anyone to check it out but it keeps me smiling, to myself at least.
Oh he also found a cane one day, well stole it from a photo shoot and they tried to take it away from him becos he kept swinging it about. But than he said he wouldn't swing it about and gave his word as an english man. Less than a minute later he has countinued on to swing it about.