I got dehydrated. and like andrew says in the breakfast club: I've seen her dehydrate it's pretty gross. It was true, pretty gross.
I told myself I would have to get it together and start consuming water so that I would never fall into its clutches again. but i don' think i've had any water today. just a couple of large teas. Caffeine and sugar keep me together.
I had a friend once who said, I've had 3 coffees today and I can't stop going to the bathroom.
I responded, well it is a diuretic.
To what he immediately said, I'm not doing that.
I just nodded and look listlessly out the window at the fallen leaves, just like an ingmar bergman film.
Later when he related a story to me that made fun of some one for saying emancipated instead of emaciated I said nothing. That is the kind of hero I am. blog girl. sitting back doing nothing and than writing about it years later on my blog is my super power.
AHAHAHAAHA is my catch phrase.
I've been listening to the podcasts for
Russell Brand. and i recommend them. they are sort of disjointed because they are just clips from his show which is every sunday on bbc6 (use the wwwcomputer), but you can listen to it any time through out the week.
Considering the man was such a druggie he doesn't seem addled by it all. That's just saying he's not ozzy, it's hardly a compliment. I do enjoy that he goes off on crazy rants.
"You'll be rich, richer than John Steinbeck. The richest author in the dustbowl!" He shouted. How does some one come up with something like that?
Also he related a story about taking a holiday from work after they told him he couldn't and than when he came back they asked him where he was for 2 weeks and he said that he had to take the time of because he had AIDs. Which ishorrible but he does say this was when he was under the 'drugbrella'. And his employers knew he was lying but it was such a horrible lie, as in a terrible thing to say so much so that they didn't press him on it. He was teaching english as a second language but mostly getting high and hitting on students.
Anyway I doubt those stories would impress anyone to check it out but it keeps me smiling, to myself at least.
Oh he also found a cane one day, well stole it from a photo shoot and they tried to take it away from him becos he kept swinging it about. But than he said he wouldn't swing it about and gave his word as an english man. Less than a minute later he has countinued on to swing it about.