
Bugger it! Shameless Anglophilia from one of the colonies.

Friday, December 29, 2006

country road take me home

I dreamt that i was playing a pick up game of soccer with various people I've know all of my life and David Beckham. And Beckham was hilarious. Just a really fun guy, who was alway making fun of people and having a laugh. Jude Law showed up and Becks just started ripping on him.

I've not done much this christmas break but the usual sort of drinking and that wasting the next day lamenting about how horrible a person I am. It seems the better the time I have the night before the more certain I am that I have done something horrible. That all my fun is at some one's expense.

I've been also reading a lot of comics and listening to a lot to the BBC.

Lily Allen has the album of the year according to BBC 6.


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