
Bugger it! Shameless Anglophilia from one of the colonies.

Friday, August 04, 2006

pukenmeister aka another girl, another planet

i just want to party. why does my body rebel against me though.
so i drank about a pint of vodka, and than went to the bar where i continued to consume recklessly and danced like an ass.
than i decided it would be awesome to roll down citadel hill. within 20 minutes of that i am losing my lunch, which is never done delicately.

yet my mind is still going, but the room won't stop spinning. damn you room. with my head so heavy that it can't be lifted off the table, i keep my eyes closed tight and still manage to mock everyone around me and make, i think, some sparkling comments about... well i can't really remember. but i do remember being quite impressed with myself.
i love enginerds.
i love guitar hero.


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