
Bugger it! Shameless Anglophilia from one of the colonies.

Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm having trouble just finding some soul in this town

errr....cough....ummmmm.... Steve Coogan will you marry me?
Watched Tristram Shandy with the commentary , Rob Brydon and the Coogs. Funny guys. I like that they admit that the movie has many levels and is very deep but if you look to deeply into it than you realize there's nothing really there.
Than I discover the Coogs now has a new comedy show on the BBC. SAXONDALE. Have yet to see it but i am working my magic to attain copies of it.

Over the seven episodes of Saxondale, Tommy (Coogan's character) almost befriends a celebrity, kneecaps a hippy and experiments with women's makeup." - BBC article on Saxondale.

So now i am kind of hoping for rain this weekend so I can watch Saxondale and Shameless episodes which will probably make me feel better about myself.
Anything to get away from this funk that has me watching Viva La Bam and Jackass episodes and day dreaming about Ryan Dunn. I pretty much watched Haggard last night. The shittiest movie ever. How old am I? I disgust myself.

Well better get ready to head to my week of work. That'll fill up my summer quota of activity.
"who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens could cry over me"
And now I am listening to Oasis all over the place slowly devolving.


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