
Bugger it! Shameless Anglophilia from one of the colonies.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

the famous poet that i am....

Dylan Thomas!
You scored 66 Demeanour, 63 Debauchery, 54 Traditionalism, and 70 Expression!
Man! Do you love to party or what! If it's not fun, you probably haven't done it in a while. But that doesn't mean you're not serious about some things. You are a person with deep passions and a respect for beauty and craft. The world is a better place for having you in it. Too bad you won't be around that long. Drink up! You're masterpiece is "Under Milkwood".
what famous poet are you quiz

The best part abot this is, little known fact, Norm MacDonald's favorite poet is Dylan Thomas. He even named his son Dylan after him, cos he thought it was such a cool name. Unfortunately that was also the year everyone else named their sons Dylan 'cos Beverly Hills 90210 was on TV.


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